Autumn Re-cap

All the colors of fall, so intense and warm…. Different shapes of leaves, such as; maple, oak, cherry, alder, hazelnut and walnut. Different symbols of the season; pumpkins, gohsts, scarecrows, witches and brooms landed on the fabulous printed fabrics. Knitted items for babies; hats, mittens, scarves, and the all-time favorite….Mary Poppins Hat………. all Sold on ETSY!

Alterations constantly coming and out the door. The prize went to jackets and coats as clients looked towards winter weather. We replaced zippers, zippers and more zippers! Shortened sleeves, patched holes and sewed on decorative patches. Slacks, jeans, shirts, blouses and T-shirts always a part of the routine.

Projects: Reclaimed a quilt made by a clients Grandma, new couch pillows were another must. Pet damaged repairs….some puppies like to chew on couch and duvet covers. Mask making has also been ongoing….

Just in time! Santa came by for an appointment. His red velvet slacks needed a little more elastic in the waist and the legs needed to be tapered in a bit to tuck them in his black boots. It’s fun to be the sewing elves!

On Thanksgiving the sound of the sewing machine, the snip snip of the scissors, the ringing of the phone and cusotmers knockingon the door STOPPED. It was time for oa breat to be thankful and grateful to everyone in the past, present and the future for being part of STITCHKNIT.

Now, let’s step into December! I hear Christmas music! Santa Clause is coming to town!

article by Brenda Sanchez 11.22.20

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